第124章 《Dream it possible》

“The past is everything we were, don't make us who we are”


特别她那“The past”和“we were”发音可稍带回忆感,但“don't make us who we are”又开始语气加重,让赖多多忍不住跟着演唱者的心情起伏,那是一种对自我的肯定和对未来的主导权的追求!

“So I'll dream until I make it real, and all I see is stars”

“It's not until you fall that you fly”

“When your dreams e alive, you're unstoppable”

“Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful”

“We will glow in the dark, turning dust to gold”

不得不说,季晴很会唱,最后这句“glow in the dark”唱出了光芒闪耀的感觉,声音明亮,“turning dust to gold”又把歌曲开始转变和升华,发音清晰有力,有那种创造奇迹的决心和能力.

“I will chase, I will reach, I will fly Until I'm breaking, until I'm breaking”

“Out of my cage, like a bird in the night”

. . . . .

“From the bottom to the top, We're sparking wild fire's, Never quit and never stop, The rest of our lives”








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